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Set for a Highland fling

Roma highland dancers Tully Stone, Allie Ey and Amy Lorenz along with Brisbane-based dancer Hannah Hughes have had a rewarding lead-up to the second...

QSO tours the Maranoa

Queensland Symphony Orchestra was back in Roma for a seventh year this week. The Chinchilla-Miles-Roma-Tara (CMRT) regional tour began in 2016, bringing workshops to students...

Soils ain’t soils

Last week we looked at a few of the challenges we face as gardeners. So annoying as it is, I have to say it,...

Foodies ready to fork out

The Roma Apex Club is whetting the appetite of local gourmands with its third Fine Wine and Dine only weeks away. Apex spokesman Tyson Campbell...

In a hopeful headspace

Artworks crafted by Roma youth symbolising hope have gone on display at the Roma Walk of Art. Driven by headspace Roma and featuring works by...

Off the land, off to lunch

Two hundred rural women will relish the chance to chat, laugh and momentarily forget the daily drudge when they gather for the Dulacca Long...

Surat turns back time for festival

SURAT will mark the 25th Anniversary of the Cobb & Co Changing Station with a weekend of celebration on 13-14 August. The weekend...

Maranoa’s cultures unite

Maranoa residents of diverse cultures will come together in celebration for a monthly Multicultural Meet-and-Greet on Saturday, 22 March. The now regular event is...